A Father’s Critical Role in Leading His Children to Virtue & Happiness

Martin Boles
Being a good breadwinner is increasingly difficult in a world of inflating costs of housing, health care, and education- -but it is not enough. Today’s cultural contagions are so powerful, and so poisonous, that fathers must personally and intensively lead and supervise their children’s formation in intellect and morals. To ensure children’s future happiness, and mental and moral health, a father needs to commit to a family mission, and must plan and lead the execution of that mission, with the same strategic insight, attention, and determination that he applies to his professional career. That mission includes building a family culture that continually forms and directs children to grow in wisdom, faith, and a spirit of service. The culture needs to be leavened with fun, and nurtured with a father’s sacrificial attentiveness. The good news is that this kind of intentional, intensive fatherhood leads to joyful family life and effectively helps children grow to be mature, responsible and happy adults
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Chaucer Drive Study Center
Mar 08, 2024