Two Family-Enrichment Courses in the Houston Area in the Fall

Texas Family Enrichment is offering two courses this Fall: First Decisions for parents of children between 7 and 10 years, and Matrimonial Love for couples of all ages. 

In Houston, "First Decisions" curriculum is addressed to parents with children between 7 and 10 years old. At that age, children generally feel comfortable in their environment. As a result, they may find themselves making a great quantity of personal decisions in daily situations. To be able to choose well, children need to have a scale of values as a reference. In this course, parents analyze the importance of living according to a scale of values, how to transmit these, and how to help children acquire these values themselves (Register here). A course on "Matrimonial Love" will be offered in The Woodlands. Love is a decision—to will the good of the spouse. The will can strive to love deeper with an entire spectrum of drives and emotions to bestow on a spouse the full web of human affection, tenderness, passion, genuine faithful love. It is imperative to continually strengthen the bond of marriage and to deepen the couple's intimate relationship and friendship through effective communication and the sincere gift of self. This course provides couples with the knowledge and tools to achieve greater marital happiness and unity (Register here).