Personal Initiatives: Vision 2030

At the end of March 2020, a group of Spanish-speaking professionals, led by a Francisco Ortigosa and William R. Colina, met online to discuss the vision of the world beyond the current pandemic. We held long conversations, where everyone informally discussed their personal vision based on experience and area of ​​expertise.

Little by little entrepreneurs, company executives and professionals with experience in different specialties joined the group. We had global participation, since participants joined us from Spain, England, Oman, Denmark, USA, Venezuela, Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina and Canada. Since then, we have changed the initial format, and now hold meetings every two weeks. We exchange ideas for 90 minutes, guided by highly-trained professionals with ample experience.

Discussion topics have included: the financial system, the family, the market, college education, technology, telecommunications, energy, humanism and tourism among others. We now have our own space on Youtube (Virtech Foundation) and Linkedin ( We have more than 500 participants in the Vision 2030 between our WhatsApp and Linkedin groups,.

A leadership group has been established, which includes two members from Spain (Georgina Barquín Rotchford and Rafael Torres), two from Mexico (Francisco Nuñez and Felipe Gonzalez), two from the USA (Francisco Ortigosa and William Colina) and one from Peru (Luis Ismodes)

We define our mission, vision and fundamental objectives as follows:


Promote ideas and actions through spaces for inter-disciplinary dialogue among world leaders


Influence Society with humanistic and entrepreneurial leadership


  • Humanist and entrepreneurial leadership at the service of the common good
  • Generate knowledge
  • Influence the community
  • Share the experiences and challenges of the participants so that the group can obtain solutions and best practices applicable in their lives, work and in society.

At the moment Vision 2030 gatherings are conducted in Spanish. However, Vision 2030 is looking for individuals willing to support the expansion of this initiative into sessions conducted in English. If you need more information or are interested in helping, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or send a text message to 713-256-7962.