Patience Is a Virtue, And A Little Wouldn’t Hurt You

On Sunday, Feb 19, the club Forge dads and sons had a blast dropping eggs from the second story of Westcott.  Only they didn’t break (well, most of them did not break).  They were challenged with devising a way the eggs could be packaged so that they would not break upon impact.  They had limited materials and very limited time to find a way to keep the egg safe.  Considering the current price of eggs, all were relieved that so many eggs landed intact!

Afterwards Joe Kolf spoke to the boys and their dads on the virtue of patience.  The boys stayed very engaged as Joe described the life of a knight, and how there are times when even a warrior must exhibit the virtue of patience.  They boys came up with many examples in their own lives when patience is called for.  For example, when your little brother is being a pest, or when you are waiting for dinner, or even when you have to wait to speak until your name is called during a virtue talk.