Mass of St. Josemaria in Houston

On Saturday, June 22nd many families gathered at the beautiful St. Vincent De Paul church for the feast of St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei.  Bishop Italo Dell Oro was the main celebrant for the Mass. The church was full, with an estimated 1000 people in attendance.  

It should be noted that there was an extraordinary number of young children, toddlers and infants at the Mass.  And even though the Mass was not short (80 minutes), the kids did an outstanding job of staying still and relatively quiet.  A tribute to their courageous parents!

Finally, the reception afterward lasted almost two hours as friends and acquaintances visited over a seemingly endless supply of refreshing lemonade and iced tea.  Everyone had a terrific time laughing and catching up.  Very much in the spirit of St. Josemaria!