Core Group, May 29, 2020 Meeting Minutes


Attendees: Jose Miguel Amozurrutia, Ricardo Baquerizo, William Colina, David Cortez, Angelo Directo, Paul Fortunato, Esteban Leccese, Charles Uyenco, Brackin Smith and Pablo Yepes

  • Pablo gave a few updates on developments with the website:
    • Map of Centers (help Bob P)
    • Wall is the way to communicate rather than announcements
    • Areas where we could get help
    • Maps of members and activities: work in progress
    • Proposed Book of the month for June: The Last of the Romantics
  • Updates:
    • Angelo installed Google analytics on the website and showed it. You can see it in
    • Jose M:
      • will come up with a few templates for the website. Pablo will give him access to the provider and will generate a development site
      • He will link the new domain name ( to the website 
    • Pablo will work with William to finalize the Logo
    • Paul F brought up how we should handle showing pictures of people, especially children. The best approach may be just to include a ask participants in activities (especially father-son type).
  • Everyone's task in the next week:
    1. Start using the web for your formation group
      1. Paul F: super circle
      2. Ricardo,Charles, Brackin: cooperator cirle
      3. Angelo: Father-son club
      4. Create a group and activity
    2. Post at least 2 or 3 pictures or announcements

Next meeting: June 5 at noon on Zoom