Eucharist: Theology and Spirituality of the Eucharistic Prayer

- Category:
- Sacraments
- Description:
- Eucharist is a detailed history of the Christian Eucharistic formularies. Bouyer gives a thorough analysis of the Jewish meal prayers, the berakoth, to which he traces the origins of the eucharistic rite, and ends with the recent addition of new eucharistic prayers to the Roman rite. He also includes the history of the various forms of the early Christian liturgies, of the Byzantine, Gallican, and Mozarabic Eucharists, of the changes introduced during the Reformation, and of developments in the Anglican, Lutheran, and Reformed traditions.
- Formats:
- epub mobi pdf docx
- Searches:
- Google Bing G-Books
- Publisher:
- University of Notre Dame Press; 1968
- Last Updated:
- Thursday, 24 February 2022 13:49