Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration

- Category:
- Roman Pontifs
- Description:
- The three volumes of this work by Benedict XVI don't need much introduction. They can be described, following what the author explains, as a "life of Jesus" as the ones that Karl Adam or Romano Guardini once published. Each chapter focuses on a theme tackled with different approaches: there are some more meditative chapters, and others more argumentative; in some, questions are dealt with more extensively than others, and so on. Jesus of Nazareth can be considered an important book in the development of biblical exegesis at the beginning of the 21st century. Not so much because of what it says in fact - which is already interesting and enriching - but above all because it shows with facts that taking biblical studies seriously can and must also be fruitful from the spiritual point of view.
- Formats:
- Ignatius Press
- Searches:
- Google Bing G-Books
- Publisher:
- Doubleday
- Last Updated:
- Saturday, 22 February 2020 13:34