New Members

WhereYouAre is also intended to be a platform where members can get in contact with each other to exchange ideas, plans and resources to foster their Christian life. With that purpose in mind, we encourage all new members to include the following in their profile:

  1. A picture of themselves, so they can be recognized when met in-person. See this video on how to add/modify our profile picture
  2. Their postal address, so other members may know their physical location. See this video on how to add/modify your postal address. 
  3. Their birthday, so we can pray for them on that day. Part of the purpose of this site is to create a sense of unity among the members. What better way to foster that sense of unity that support each other by prayer? Check this video on how to add your birthday to your profile.

WhereYouAre has groups associated with particular activities like recollections, classes, etc. Each group usually organizes events corresponding to each particular gathering of the group. Members of the group are notified about events coming up. Usually, new users may be added to general groups, like "Everyone", by WhereYouAre administrator. We encourage new users to browse the various groups and join those that interest them. You can browse the current groups here