2023 Template of Possible Talks for Recollections

January Centrality of Jesus Christ. The call to conversion, to holiness. If we are weak and fragile, to
what specifically does Christ call us? What must we do to follow him? Identification with
Christ: Way, Truth and Life.
February The Church, Mother. We are all Church. The teaching of the Church and its value for our
whole life. The Church is everyone’s task: sheep and shepherd. What happens when there is
faith in God but not in His Church? Is it not enough to believe in God and to do good?
The holiness of the Church and our vulnerability as men.
March Maturity: the complete person. A harmonious personality. The human being: his life.
Knowledge of oneself. Putting all our capacities at the service of one’s final end.
Intelligence, will and affectivity.
April The freedom of the children of God. Personal responsibility. Freedom of spirit and opinion.
Initiative. Forming a good conscience. The danger of relativism.
May Vocation to love: created in the image and likeness of God, out of love and in order to love.
The vocation to happiness. To love with the whole person, integrating all human
dimensions and capacities: physical, psychological and spiritual.
June Sin, the enemy of a free and full life. Consideration of sin from the perspective of divine
filiation. Why is there so much sin? The prodigal son and divine mercy. The sacrament of
July The gift of grace (God freely helps us so that we can respond to his call). Grace and
struggle: grace precedes and accompanies the ascetic struggle, and makes us capable of
acting as children of God. Avoid trying to progress in the spiritual life relying mainly on
one’s own efforts.
August The sacraments: Christ present in our lives. Relationship of the sacraments with the mystery of
Christ. The way to identify with him. Some of the sacraments can be commented on
according to the audience (older people, young people, singles, etc.)
September  Marriage, vocation to holiness. Married love shapes one’s path to heaven. To give life is to give
love, affection, tenderness, sensitivity. Facilitating its improvement. Details and gestures to
show one’s love for one’s spouse. Generosity. Commitment and wanting to work together.
October Communication. Respect. Trust. Necessary attitudes for good conjugal harmony: affection
(tenderness); sharing (not isolating oneself); caring (service); complementing each other;
accepting the other (respecting their tastes and interests, making them one’s own).
November The gift of children. The formation and education of children. Giving a good example.
Husband and wife united in their approach to the formation of their children. Training as
parents (IFFD or other initiatives). Getting involved in their children’s schools. To welcome
the vocation of the children: to thank God, to help them on their way. Married couples
without children are also blessed by God.
December The Christmas Season.

(Numbers correspond to the topics list document.)

Recollection materials