The Talk and Beyond: Raising Children in a Confused Culture

Michael Moynihan
Parents: We are wading in uncharted waters. The world and its pitfalls today are unlike any other time in history. In whatever decade we grew up, it is a far cry from the noise, the pressures, the confusion, and the temptations of today’s world. It is understandable that parents feel alone and confused in parenting, especially with regard to forming children in a healthy approach to the truth about human love. Whose advice can I trust? What ideas are sound, trustworthy, and healthy for my child’s body, mind, and soul? What is the best advice I can take to help my child grow in love of God, self, and neighbor? In this talk, Mike will guide us through the murky waters of parenting our children in this confused culture, providing us confidence in our strategies, as well as faith in God’s Plan.
Audio:(click on three dots to download)
Chaucer Drive Study Center
Feb 05, 2023